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Verifikasi ijazah alumni / alumni degree verification




Dalam rangka memberikan layanan verifikasi keabsahan ijazah/transkrip alumni terutama untuk Perusahaan/BUMN/Instansi Swasta maupun stakeholder lainnya, Universitas Andalas memfasilitasi platform verifikasi secara tersentralisasi. Universitas Andalas bekerja sama dengan PT. Integrity Indonesia menyediakan platform Education Verification yang berbasis internet dan dapat diakses di mana saja. Sebelumnya permintaan verifikasi ijazah alumni dari pihak korporasi dalam rangka proses background screening calon karyawannya diurus secara manual. Dengan hadirnya platform Education Verification akan mengubah cara konvensional menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien dimana permintaan akan masuk melalui sistem satu pintu. Pelayanan verifikasi alumni akan sangat membantu manajemen dalam proses background screening di Perusahaan dan berguna dalam memerangi tingginya pemalsuan ijazah pendidikan.


Layanan verifikasi ijazah silakan akses link:  






In order to provide verification service for the validity of alumni certificates / transcripts, especially for companies / BUMN / private institutions and other stakeholders, Andalas University, in collaboration with PT Integrity Indonesia, provides a centralized Education Verification platform - an Internet-based platform that can be accessed anywhere. Previously, requests for verification of alumni certificates from corporations in the context of the background screening process for prospective employees were handled manually through different channels. With the presence of the Education Verification platform, it will change the conventional way to be more effective and efficient where requests will enter through a one-door system. Alumni verification services will greatly assist The Company in conducting the background screening process and are useful in combating the high-level falsification of educational certificates. 

Booklet Unand